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CynthiaKeenan QnA

5 Questions with Franchise Partner, Cynthia Keenan

Faced with an empty nest, Cynthia and her husband Brian knew the timing was right for them to join the franchise. Not only could Cynthia devote 100% of her energy to building the business, but together they could make a solid investment in their future.

Q: What were you doing professionally before you opened your Blo location? 

A: I have been a graphic designer for 25+ years. In the 3 years prior to opening Blo, I did interior re-design and real estate staging.

Q: What sparked your interest in joining a franchise system? 

A: I had worked in retail and the beauty industry to put myself through college and always had an interest in the industry. After my children were born, I spent 20 years working independently. I enjoyed working with my clients one on one and knew I had a talent for creating an excellent customer service experience. I envisioned a business that rather than me going to my customers, that they could come to me. The idea of working within a franchise system was so appealing because I could bring my skills to a system that was already in place. When I worked on my own… the systems were my own creation, but very time consuming. I wanted a business that had a plan in place that I could execute. The time became right when my husband and I became empty-nesters. Not only could I put 100% of my energy towards building it, but together, we could make a solid investment in our future.

Q: What made you choose Blo?

A: We had looked a several different franchises in the few years before we found Blo. When we started getting more serious about it, it became obvious that in order to be successful, I would be managing the business on a day to day basis. It was important to me that I would have some fun and enjoy the product or service we were offering. A family member knew we were exploring our options and sent me an article about the blowout industry. There was a locally owned blowout bar in town and I immediately went to check it out. I was hooked. I did an internet search and read everything I could. It became clear early on that Blo was a leader and trendsetter. I became very excited knowing that I could bring something new and game changing to the women in my town.

Q: What do you enjoy most about owning your location?

A: It’s really fun to watch the business grow. Not just from a bottom line standpoint… but all that comes with it. I’ve created opportunities for stylists to grow into careers that they are well compensated for and are passionate about. We’ve created a culture at Blo Tampa, and I’m really proud of it. I l especially enjoy the fact that we’re part of an international brand. With a solid reputation behind us, I’m able to implement strategies that make sense locally. And when my local strategies work, it’s very rewarding to see my ideas rolled out onto a larger stage.

Q: You have been with Blo for a while now, what keeps you wanting to be a part of this franchise system?

A: There aren’t enough words! We have a great corporate team that supports us. We have an excellent reputation. We’ve been given solid advice on how to run our business… but more importantly, we’re encouraged to give feedback on our own experiences. Blo has more than doubled in size since we joined, and it’s been fun to help to set our industry standards.


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