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5 Beauty Franchise Myths

Like many other industries, there are myths surrounding the beauty franchise category that may prevent interested entrepreneurs from pursuing their dreams. We’d hate for misinformation and outdated outlooks to keep you from your future business, so we’re busting these five major beauty franchise myths.

Myth #1: You have to be a stylist to own a beauty franchise.

While an interest in the beauty industry will benefit your future business, the majority of franchisors won’t require you to have any hands-on experience as a stylist, aesthetician, or other type of wellness professional. As a Franchise Owner, you’ll hire a team of skilled beauty professionals to handle client-facing services while you manage your business.

Instead, most franchisors look for a background in business operations, marketing, finance, or similar experience. This will give you the foundation you need to run your beauty franchise effectively and strategize for business growth.

To see what Blo Blow Dry Bar looks for in a Franchise Owner, head here. The qualities we find most important may surprise you!

Myth #2: Beauty franchises are too expensive.

There are many types of beauty franchises to invest in, each with their own set of financial qualifications and investment levels. Many franchisors make the investment process simpler by connecting serious candidates with funding partners who are experienced with the franchise process. This helps owners secure any additional funding they may need to kick off their business in a way that works best for them.

Some franchises, like Blo Blow Dry Bar, may also offer discounted fees for qualified veterans. This is just one of the methods we use to make our opportunity more accessible.

Myth #3: The beauty business is only for women.

The idea that wellness and self-care is exclusively for women is simply outdated. From famous musicians rocking nail polish to the growth of men’s self-care products, it’s clear that everyone can benefit from showing themselves a little love.

Similarly, beauty franchise ownership is for entrepreneurs of all genders and identities. At Blo Blow Dry Bar, we have several male Franchise Owners as well as couples or partners who have chosen to invest in the wellness industry. A beauty business is still first and foremost a business, and an exciting one at that.

Myth #4: Beauty franchise services are superficial.  

Sometimes self-care can be external, but the benefits extend far beyond the physical. Beauty franchises helps guests make time for themselves in their busy schedules, enabling them to relax and unplug, even if just for 45 minutes. It’s a chance for guests to put themselves first while experiencing their favorite mood-boosting beauty service. This simple act can be truly transformative, helping guests reset so they can conquer the rest of their day.

Myth #5: There isn’t enough demand for beauty franchises.

Now more than ever, there is a demand for wellness services. The stress of the past few years combined with the societal shift towards prioritizing self-care has resulted in a rise of health and beauty businesses. In 2021, the global beauty industry reached $511B, and the growth doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

Bonus Myth: Now isn’t the time to start a business.

On the contrary, we think this year is the perfect time to start a beauty franchise of your very own. Need some convincing? Check out these four reasons to own a Blo Blow Dry Bar now.

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